The Southern Buckeye Safety Council has been developed to encourage safety both in the workplace and at home. It is sponsored by the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC) Division of Safety and Hygiene (DSH), and Adams Brown Community Action Partnership (ABCAP).
Our goal is to provide our local communities with quality programs addressing occupational safety and health, workers’ compensation and risk management education and information. We hope to inform participants about new techniques, products and services, and provide a thorough knowledge of these services. There will be monthly meetings held the 4th Thursday of every month. Registration and networking will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the meetings will be from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. The meetings will alternate between two locations; Adams County meetings will be held at the Willow in Winchester, Ohio and Brown County meetings will be held at the ABCAP building in Georgetown, Ohio. You are welcome and encouraged to invite as many individuals as you would like from your business or organization!